Placing an Order

Whether you are a first-time shopper on or have been shopping with us for years, we want to make sure that ordering on is as enjoyable and easy as possible. Everything you need to know about ordering is outlined below. As always, if you have any problems, please contact us.

Please read product descriptions and all other information on the product pages carefully. Most questions are answered on that page, and you can save yourself time by simply reading the entire page. Also make sure you order the correct quantity.

Easy, Step-by-Step Ordering

Ordering online is easy, fast and 100% guaranteed secure. Here's a detailed description of how to order:

  1. Click on a category, and all items in that category will be displayed with a picture and short description of the product.

  2. Click on a product picture to get a more detailed description of that specific product. Sometimes other pictures of the same product (different colors, sizes, etc.) will be on the detail page, along with ordering options, availability and even installation instructions.

  3. If options are available for this product, make your selections.

  4. Enter the quantity you would like to purchase and press the "Add to Cart" button. Please be sure to read the description carefully, because many products are sold in sets of more than one, even if you specify a quantity of only one.

  5. A short summary of your shopping cart contents will appear in the left navigation area. If you want more detail, simply click the "View/Checkout" link directly below this summary.

  6. To continue browsing the same category, click your browser's "Back" button or click the "Continue Shopping" button, which will take you back to the main page of that store.

  7. To browse another category, simply click the category you want on the left "Browse this Store" menu bar.

  8. If you can't find what you are looking for, use the "Search" box. Type the product name, or any word you think might appear in the description, into the search box and hit the Enter key on your keyboard or click the "go" button. A list of matching items will be returned via the results screen.

  9. When you are done, and your cart contains all of the items you wish to purchase, click on "Secure Checkout" to begin finalizing your order.

  10. If you have shopped with us before, type in your login in the "Customer Login" box on the next page, fill in your password, and then click "Login". The billing and shipping information you last used will be automatically filled in for you. If you need to change something, simply correct any erroneous information. If you want your updates to be saved, select the appropriate checkbox on this page.

  11. If this is your first time shopping with us, you will need to fill in your billing and shipping information in the appropriate boxes, read through our Terms and Conditions, and sign up for a username and password.

  12. Please note: You must verify that your e-mail address is correct - if it is not a valid e-mail address, your order receipt will not arrive in your mailbox and your order may be significantly delayed. We cannot stress the importance of this enough. AOL users, your full Internet e-mail address is required, e.g. [email protected]. Do not include "www" as part of your address unless that is actually part of your e-mail address.

  13. After reading and agreeing to the terms and conditions, click "I accept the terms above. Please continue."

  14. The resulting page shows you a summary of your order and allows you to fill in payment method information.

  15. Select which credit card you will use to submit your payment, and when you are done, select "Continue".

  16. If you are using a Store credit or special offer coupons, fill in this information on this order summary page. If you have a Store credit, we will have sent you your code via e-mail - cut and paste it into the "Gift Certificate" box and click the Redeem button right next to it. If the credit or certificate is less than the total purchase amount, you will also need to select the credit card you wish to use to pay for the difference.

  17. On the next page, fill in your credit card number and expiration date information. Then click "Continue". At this time your data will be securely transferred to VeriSign, our secure credit card processor.

  18. Finally, you will be shown a final invoice screen. You may print this page as your receipt. You will also receive another proof of purchase in your e-mail box a few minutes after completing your order, as long as you correctly specified your e-mail address. If you notice that you mistyped your e-mail address once you get to the invoice screen, simply e-mail us and ask us for a copy of your receipt.

  19. Your order is now complete, and your cart has been emptied. No information is stored in your browser after you leave the store except for the customer code, if you checked the appropriate box described above.